No blinds or curtains for me

I will admit, I have something against blinds and curtains.

  • I especially hate blinds.

I feel blinds look ugly, no matter how much you spend on them. You either buy the plastic kinds that are like ten bucks and fall apart or the expensive kind that still looks cheap. Either way, the blinds are ugly and poorly made. Cleaning blinds are the most ridiculous thing in the world too. There seems to be no way to quickly and efficiently clean them. I also am stupid and never cna figure out how to make them go all the way up and back down again. Curtains are easier to operate but just as annoying. I constantly clean curtains because I feel they are dirty and gross. I also frequently am opening and closing them. I want a view but I don’t want people to see me. So it is a double edged sword. Mounting blinds and curtains are annoying too. You make holes in your house and usually have to redo and make a new hole. Then you patch, mud, sand and repaint that mistake. I recently have gotten smart. I no longer do blinds or curtains. I am all about window tinting. When you add a window tint, nobody can see inside the house. You are totally safe, secure and private. Window tinting isn’t that much money either. If you really want to be cheap, you can buy the window film online and do it yourself. It takes a little bit of time and effort, but then you never have to worry about it again. When it starts to wear off, call for window film maintenance or replacement. There, no more worries.


Sun Control Window Film Installations

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