We got into all kinds of trouble as youngsters

When I was a youngster, I used to go on all kinds of adventures and get into trouble with my buddies. We would roam all around and explore the area. We had our little treehouse headquarters that we built and we would launch fireworks and everything out there. When I think back on it now, I realize how dangerous that was. We could have caused a forest fire and put all the residents in the area in trouble, but we were just young and dumb. Well, the cool thing was when we discovered there was a junkyard not too far away. It was technically trespassing, but we still cruised the junkyard and found all kinds of stuff for our treehouse. We were able to decorate the place and we even found an old window A/C unit. We wondered how we would work the thing until we found this old bent solar panel. We learned how to hook up the solar panel, but we realized that we would need an inverter. After checking out the junkyard often, we eventually were able to find an old inverter that would connect to the solar panel. We hooked everything up and we were blown away when we were able to get everything working with a car battery for storing electricity, the inverter, and the solar panel. We put the window A/C unit in our window and we had air conditioning with free energy from the sun! It was the most amazing thing to us kids. I became so interested in cooling systems that I decided to become an HVAC technician later on.

indoor air quality

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