I don't want the same career as my dad

My dad is a great guy.

He is a wonderful dad and he treats my mom like a queen. They have been together for the past 22 years. They still have fun together every day. They go to the movies and they have dinner together. They get out of the country for cruises and international vacations. They still have a weekly date night every Friday evening. I was born after they were married for 18 months. Then my mom and dad had my sister. My dad worked a bunch of odd jobs and then he started working for a local HVAC repair company. He worked for the owner for ten years and then he decided to start his own repair business. My dad worked hard to make the business a success. He recruited a couple of guys to help with HVAC repairs after two years. My dad loves working on heating and cooling repairs. He always comes home excited to tell my mom about his day. My dad has mentioned me going into the HVAC repair business as well, but I know that isn’t the life for me. I have very little interest in the repair services. I love to draw and act and I hope that one day I will be able to work as an artist. My dad wants me to keep the HVAC business in mind, but he has been supportive of my dreams. That’s why he is one of the best dads in the world. He knows how important it can be to follow your dreams.


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