The most wanted a/c

Last year when Black Friday came my mom purchased a high quality central air conditioning unit from a small thrifts store in our town.

My mom couldn’t bring herself to buy an HVAC unit directly from the HVAC business because they were so expensive and getting a central air conditioner installed is a huge cost on its own.

When my mom found the a/c unit and saw the price, she nearly jumped out of her socks! The a/c was just the one she was looking for and it was cheap! The store manager said some shady fellow had dropped it off a few days earlier and they wanted to sell it quickly. The next day my mom had an HVAC mechanic come install the unit into our home, but he was having a hard time installing the air conditioner. The HVAC mechanic said he’d never seen an air conditioner like ours and that we were lucky to have such a unique one. Apparently this a/c unit was a step above the average a/c unit and was to be installed differently. A few days later we got a knock on our door. It was an FBI agent who was there to question us about our air conditioner. After answering his questions he asked to see it, so we took him to the air conditioner in the side yard. Come to find out, that air conditioner was specially designed to go in the office of the president, but was stolen by some shipping thieves! We were shook to say the least, but we kindly gave up the air conditioner to its rightful owner, but it all turned out for good when they refunded us for the full worth of the a/c!
Duct cleaning

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