Debating between air quality accessories

I’ve been researching different kinds of indoor air quality options.

With more attention on the health of the indoor environment, manufacturers have responded with a wide range of air quality accessories.

The various units incorporate into the existing heating and cooling system and target the whole house. Most of them operate quietly, allow for customization and require only annual maintenance. I’ve had some trouble determining what style of air quality accessory would be best for my specific home and challenges. In my local area, we deal with weather extremes just about all year round. The winter weather brings temperatures well below zero while the summer is hot and humid. The fall and spring seasons are typically wet and chilly. Because of relying on either heating or cooling for most of the year, it’s necessary to seal the house right to prevent energy waste. This helps to trim utility bills but creates some issues with air quality. Contaminants such as dust, dander and bacteria get trapped in the house and repeatedly circulated by the furnace and air conditioner. There’s an excess of humidity in the summer and overly dry air in the winter. Very often, the air in the home feels stale and stuffy. I looked into air purifiers, germicidal UV lamps, dehumidifiers and humidifiers. In the end, I opted for a heat recovery ventilator because of the year round benefits. The ventilator helps to stabilize humidity levels, expels the contaminated air and brings in a steady supply of fresh air. It greatly improves the comfort, efficiency, cleanliness, smell and overall health of the home.

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