People for sure have very different views of the world around us.
A parents perspective of what is a “big deal” and a teenagers view seem to be from different worlds for sure.
This has been an issue since the dawn of time I am certain. I imagine even back in colonial days the struggle over chores and responsibility have been waged between many a young adult and their guardians. For this reason it really should not come to a surprise that our teenage daughter is butting heads with us on a daily basis. We can not get her to understand that there are certain things that she is to be held accountable for now that she is working and getting ready to move out on her own in a year or so. We are simply trying to prepare her for everyday life and so we have instituted a payment schedule for her. She is now responsible for chipping in for groceries and paying a portion of each utility bill each month. She says we are just being cheap but we want her to realize that the amount of water, electric and gas you use adds up quickly. We recently upgraded our HVAC system and it is saving money for sure each month. When we printed out the past years statements to show her the difference she was surprised to learn that a newer and more efficient system made such a difference. We are hopeful that all of these steps will make her more ready for the “real world”. At least she realizes now that when looking for an apartment she needs to consider what type of heat and air conditioning are offered. In addition to how old that system is. This way she will know that what she is paying for is worth what she is getting out of it.