Paul was your go-to guy if you wanted to know the store with the best discounts.
Frugal was Paul’s middle name. Paul came up with different hacks to avoid spending money on something. Paul’s HVAC unit had enough duct tape to stretch for miles. He believed that he could fix anything that had to do with HVAC, not that he had professional training or was an HVAC repairman. Paul was quick to extend the courtesy to his close friends. I remember when he offered to help me with my quality HVAC, which was not getting to my desired temperature, however much I tried to reset the thermostat. It worked for a day, but I was back to the same problem and had to call an actual HVAC professional to fix the issue. Paul always bought a washable air filter because he could not fathom throwing it away after using it only once. The challenge came in when he had to purchase new HVAC equipment, one look at the prices and he was ready to forego having help with indoor comfort. Paul looked distressed and told me that the most dreadful thing had happened. When he told me what it was, I could not help but laugh; you would think someone had told him it was the apocalypse. The HVAC provider relayed the dreaded news to him during his annual HVAC maintenance, which Paul adhered to faithfully. Even though he knew more about the HVAC business than I did, I still helped him sift through different HVAC brands and find one ideal for his home. We then went to the local business and talked to the new contractor, who would then be the one to handle the HVAC installation.
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