It was too hot at the kids’ grandparents’ house

Summer means I can finally have the house to myself.

I am a single mother raising three kids; I love them with all our heart.

However, it can at times get overwhelming and I long for some peace and quiet. My adolescents like their Grandparents, so when they close school, I usually drive them to the farm for a month or so. There, they can run wild, be with the animals, and get spoiled rotten. I don’t mind them getting spoiled rotten, because it helps them to have their nan. My mom is the best person in the world, and she is the perfect Grandmother you can ever ask for. She can be a bit grumpy, but she likes having the adolescents around. When I got back home after dropping the adolescents off last summer, I had to call the local heating and air conditioning business. I had delayed having our annual air conditioner tune up and check up. But, the heating and air conditioning constantly says it’s better to be late than miss the pressing maintenance. They sent over a heating and cooling expert who tested and ensured all was well with the air conditioner in our home. Three days later, the kids called and complained it was too hot at their grandparents’ home. My mom got on the phone and said they were having an issue with the air conditioner. However, they’d already PCd the heating and cooling expert, but they wouldn’t get to their farm for a few days. That’s the difference between living in the city and in a rural area. I get same-day service, while my parents have to wait a bit longer.


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