Take the Chance & Don’t be Afraid of Being Afraid

I want to get a little motivational for a minute for you because I love humanity even if I don’t think pretty much everyone out there.

I know it is good to challenge yourself to do those things that terrify you a little bit, or a lot, & to not be afraid of being afraid.

I’ve faced fear so many times in my life that I have finally realized that it isn’t going to hurt me or kill me. Well, I used to jump out of airplanes & that could kill you however I quit before that could happen. My Heating plus Air Conditioning business boss didn’t love me jumping from airplanes when I worked for his local dealer because he said he actually liked my Heating plus Air Conditioning equipment work style & didn’t want to lose me. I told him that I did not want to lose myself either however that I actually needed to challenge myself & face my fear of height. I would work for him in the daytime doing heating & cooling service jobs in people’s homes & in the early evenings I would jump out of airplanes. Occasionally, I would go do stand-up comedy shows after skydiving, with my local business friend, so I would end up having a lot of adrenaline for the day, needless to say. Now I just do ductwork cleaning & have quit skydiving & stand-up comedy, & I have switched to songs now which is a much better fit for me at this time of my life. I do not need to risk my life anymore to feel alive, so this is a good thing because I willentirely live longer.



ductwork cleaning

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