Keeping cool with dry ice?

This would create a sort of cooling effect that would cool off the surrounding area somewhat effectively.

Yesterday, I was reading about some of the old methods that people used in lieu of modern air conditioners. No, I wasn’t reading about old vintage central air conditioning units. I wasn’t even reading about old window air conditioner units. I was reading about one of the honest-to-goodness ancient methods that they used for cooling a room back before air conditioners weren’t a thing at all. Apparently, at one time it was common practice to put dry ice in a bathtub and run either cool or lukewarm water over it. This would create a sort of cooling effect that would cool off the surrounding area somewhat effectively. Now to be honest, that sounds like a neat idea, but I am so glad that I have modern central heating and air conditioning to rely on instead! I simply cannot go through my daily life In the heat of the summer without having an air conditioner to rely on. At the very least, if I could not rely on central air conditioning, then I would settle for window air conditioner units, and that would certainly be a lot better than this other primitive method I told you about. I’m pretty sure the dry ice method would do nothing for me! People simply did not know how good they could have it back then. I’m pretty sure central air conditioning would have blown their minds and they would have thought that it was some sort of witchcraft or sorcery! Well, to me, it might as well be, and I love it.

a/c workman

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