Old timey ways to keep cool

I was thinking the other day about what an old timey air conditioner was like.

However, I am not talking about old central heating and air conditioning models, nor am I even talking about old window air conditioner units.

I’m talking about what was used long before even this! Way back when, one of the cooling methods was to place dry ice in a bathtub and run cold or lukewarm water over it. This would cool down that particular portion of the house or surrounding area. It was definitely a primitive process to use before the air conditioner, but it seemed to work in its time. However, I can admit that I’m very happy I do not live in such times. I’m so dependent on central air conditioners in these hot summers that I don’t know what I would do without them! I’m pretty sure that dry ice in a bathtub wouldn’t do anything for me. Probably, window air conditioner units would be far better than trying dry ice if I could not get my hands on a central air conditioner. I feel like I would need some form of modern air conditioner to be able to function as a human being. With heating, I suppose having to rely on a fireplace would be quaint and actually pretty enjoyable, but when it comes to air conditioners, I cannot substitute anything but the real thing. I’m pretty sure using dry ice with warm water poured over it was just about the worst excuse for indoor cooling ever!



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