Where did I put those air filters?

When the new year arrives, my wife takes the calendar and marks when I should be changing the air filters for either the furnace or air conditioning unit.

Every six weeks has a date circled in blue and a small AF inside.

I was looking at the calendar the other morning, and I realized it was time to change the air filter in the air conditioning unit. I went to the basement in search of my air filters, but they were nowhere to be found. When I couldn’t find the air filters in the basement, I headed to the shed. I had so much stuff piled up in the shed that I couldn’t find the air filters if I tried. I would have had to purge everything in the shed to find them, and I wasn’t prepared to do that. I took the numbers off the air conditioning unit, and headed to the home center. Since I had an air purification system in the HVAC system, my air filters were different than others. I was using HEPA air filters. Customer service at the home center told me I needed to go to the HVAC company and see if I could purchase them. They could order the air filters, but it would likely take six weeks for them to come in. Shipping services were slow, and they had no influence on them. Luckily, the HVAC company could offer me two air filters to get me over the next month and a half until they could put in an order for a case of air filters, and receive them.

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