Plantar fasciitis caused by running in cheap sneakers

I’ve come to the realization that I can’t run for a workout every single day.

Although it’s my preferred type of exercise, it places a great deal of impact on my feet, ankles and knees.

When I initially got interested in running, I didn’t know how important it is to warm up and cool down. I wasn’t conscientious about stretching or drinking enough water. I had a cheap pair of sneakers that weren’t meant for running. I’d simply tie my shoes and start out. I’d run significant distances and developed plantar fasciitis in my feet. It was extremely painful. It inflames the tendon from heels to toes. The arches of my feet felt as if they were ripping open. I could hardly walk and running was not an option. The pain prevented me from sleeping at night. I eventually went to see a podiatrist who explained that my feet needed rest and ice. He suggested I take Advil for the pain. She provided a custom-designed pair of inserts and told me to buy better quality sneakers with support. Although the sneakers were expensive, they were a huge improvement. I also looked into the best ways to alleviate my foot problems. I began to follow proper methods for stretching and devoting at least ten minutes to a warm up prior to the run. I went back to running slowly, beginning with short distances. I made certain to vary those workouts with low-impact exercise programs. On my mornings off from running, I focus on exercises that don’t put any stress on my feet, such as cycling, swimming, kayaking or lifting weights. By taking better care of my feet, I’ve been able to get back to a normal life.


Body Wellness Center

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