How long do heating and cooling systems last

The lifespan of Most HVAC systems is 15 to 25 years.

However, the HVAC equipment’s life span greatly depends on the type of the system and maintenance.

Other factors may affect an HVAC system’s lifespan, such as poor maintenance on your unit, which can lead components to wear out and shorten the system’s lifespan. With regular maintenance plans, HVAC systems last longer as small issues get detected and fixed early. HVAC units in the coastal regions have reduced life spans due to the salt corroding of the condenser unit. A poor quality system will have a shorter lifespan compared to a high-quality unit. Improper installation of your HVAC unit will result in a shortened lifespan. The HVAC equipment has different types of components with varying lifespans. The gas furnace has a lifespan of 20 to 30 years and is replaced when the heat exchanger starts leaking. Oil furnaces, on the other hand, with questionable quality may last between 10 to15 years. Boilers last longer than oil furnaces. They have a lifespan of 20 to 30 years and should be replaced when the heat exchanger starts leaking. Most air conditioners last 15 to 20 years. They have shorter lifespans of 7 to 12 years in coastal regions. Heat pumps and air conditioners get replaced when the condenser starts to leak and when the compressor fails. Ductless mini-splits have a lifespan of 10 to 30 years. The indoor environment changes every day from the chemicals we use in the house every day. These chemicals include cleaning supplies and outgas from new wood, new carpets, and any plant processed materials. These indoor changes affect the HVAC systems causing them to have a shorter lifespan. Regular maintenance from an HVAC technician will help prolong your HVAC equipment’s life span as they will be able to diagnose and repair any failing equipment in your home.

quality HVAC

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