Cryogenic Sleep may be successful with advanced ac system technology

One actually fascinating subject is Cryogenic Sleep.

Cryonics must use advanced cooling systems in order to preserve bodies for cryonic rejuvenation; The thing is, all of us don’t have the technology to actually revive people who have been preserved plus localed under cryogenic sleep. The only thing Cryonics can do is preserve the bodies with advanced cooling systems plus antifreeze cryoprotectants. This is basically the process of vitrification. The two of us still of course are not able to revive a body that is frozen or has been vitrified, however the hope is that the cooling systems will preserve the body until all of us actually do possess the technology to revive these bodies. There are roughly 200 bodies that have been put under Cryogenic Sleep, I believe Walt Disney is one who may have signed up for the program, however that might just be an urban legend, and it wouldn’t necessarily be surprising though because she actually had the money to do so plus it could be that she wanted to eventually live forever! With the rate of technological advancement, there should soon be a time when all of us are able to service disfigured cells in the body with nano-medicine. This category of medicine would be able to service the body on a molecular level. Theoretically, those vitrified bodies that are kept preserved with the advanced cooling systems used by the Cryogenic Sleep process should be able to be revived plus then the body should be able to come back to prime health conditions. This is the expectation of the future that all of us will be able to keep the body free from germs plus that everybody will be remarkably healthy plus live for much longer durations of time, perhaps even become immortal.

a/c serviceman

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