Trying to stay positive in a rough patch

Sometimes things seem out of control in my life.

I’m a bit of a control freak, so naturally this is severely stressful to me, and I have a difficult time coping with the unknown… Recently there have been a lot of upsetting events approaching, such as a job transition and a giant transport across the country, and I’ve been struggling to deal with the unknown future ahead of me.

That’s why I’ve been doing my best to adore the little things and stay positive, but for instance, while I’m at condo packing all alone, at least I can control the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C device to meet my personal preferences, then cranking the a/c while I’m struggling to shove clothing into small boxes feels nice on my covered in sweat skin. Setting up box fans all around the condo creates a comforting hum and powerful breeze to distribute the AC more widely than other people find enjoyable; Hearing the a/c power itself on and off outside my window and the gentle swoosh of air passing through the air vents at evening helps me to fall asleep, however yes, I’m being a bit dramatic, I’m not totally alone and I can often control the central cooling whether or not I’m struggling through the task of packing, but it’s difficult to see several other positive aspects of this whole situation right now. It’s nice to feel some sense of normalcy and control, even if it’s over the heating and cooling system, and hey, at least there will be bountiful AC when we relocate to our new, hot and humid city!

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