Staying in the moment saved me big money on HVAC unit

So much has changed for me over the last couple of years.

It’s sort of hard to sit here now and think back to just two summers ago.

I spent that summer basically not leaving the central air conditioning of our home. This was by design of course since that’s when the pandemic was raging. Unlike many in this area, I took this virus seriously and followed all of the recommendations. Thankfully, I work for a company who took it all very seriously as well. They sent us home and closed up the office with the zone controlled HVAC pretty quick. So it was home to work remotely from the safety of my own air conditioning. It really wasn’t that bad but it sure was lonely. I live by myself with my dog and that was a lonely, lonely summer. I’m not exactly a social animal but I sure did miss hanging out with my friends for such a long time. Still, I was determined to makes some changes in my life given that I had a whole lot of free time due to the circumstances. I started by getting out of the air conditioning to walk at least twice a day. And then, I started making a point of preparing meals each day. All of this led me to become more and more present and pay attention to the moment I was living in. Too often, I’m thinking ahead or not at all paying attention to the actual moments of my life. I was so present that I heard the HVAC unit make a strange series of sounds and called the HVAC professionals. Turns out that I caught a big problem early before it cost me a bunch of money.

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