Tired of constant HVAC repairs

Another month and another repair.

That is what it seems like when it comes to the heating and air conditioning system in this house.

Granted, I have no one to blame but myself. Because when I first bought this home from my aunt, she warned me that the air conditioner was shoddy and that I would need to have it repaired. While I knew this, I honestly didn’t think it could be that bad. I mean, how bad could it be? The answer is really really bad. The air conditioning system, if I am lucky, will make it a month before it will shut down and start having issues. During the time that it is working, the cooling unit doesn’t even cool the home very efficiently. Overall, I see what my aunt was trying to warn me about. This entire time I thought that if I repair it enough, it will eventually get better. But this is probably the 4th repair I have done on it, and so far there has been little change. I am beginning to think that I would be better off if I just go out and buy a new HVAC system. Now if I were to go with the professional HVAC business and get something expensive like a central A/C, that would be several thousand dollars. However, I don’t even need something big and fancy like that, I might just go to the HVAC store near me and pick up a portable air conditioning system. A portable HVAC unit should be enough to cool one room, and I can just bring it around with me.


heating business

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