Car air conditioner was a life saver

You wouldn’t think so, but the car air conditioning system was an actual life saver for me.

  • After my wife and I divorced, she kicked me out of my home, and with very little money left after quitting my job, I found myself homeless.

My wife must have really hated me in order to wait for me to quit my job, and then kick me out. Anyways, I had no relatives or friends that were close enough to live with, not without a plane ticket, and so I lived in my car, the only thing I had left for awhile. The worst part of being homeless was not the looks I would get, worrying about affording food or finding a decent place to park and rest. It was actually the weather. Although I don’t live in a desert, the area I live in might as well be one. It is practically summer year round, winter is borderline non-existent. It was hot constantly, usually reaching well into the late 90s and early 100s. I was so glad that I had great functioning air conditioning in my car, because I don’t know if I would be alive without it. The HVAC system in my car was amazing the entire time, because even though I ran it the entire day, it never did quit. That was one of my fears if I used the car’s A/C too much, that it might quit on me, but it never did. It took awhile, but soon I was able to afford an apartment with nice central HVAC, and my fears of worrying about the car cooling system were behind me. I still have a long way to go, but I am making progress.

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