It’s my air conditioning that is the issue

I really didn’t think the lack of A/C could affect me like this, but I was wrong

I have been incredibly tired and grumpy as of recently, and as much as I like to think of it as just stress, I know that is not entirely true. The thing is, it’s my air conditioning that is the issue. My air conditioning went out a little while ago, so I have been going without heating and cooling for a while. When the HVAC unit first went out, I called a HVAC specialist to come and repair it. However when the HVAC specialist told me how much it was going to cost, I was shocked. Perhaps it was due to inflation, but either way, the price for HVAC repair was crazy! There was no way I was going to pay that much, in my opinion, it was just not worth it. Besides, how hard can it be to live without heating and A/C? Well, the answer is much harder than I thought. The first week without HVAC really wasn’t that bad, in fact you could say it was a breeze, however after that it started getting much harder. I noticed that not only was I becoming much grumpier, but my sleep was beginning to get affected too. I really didn’t think the lack of A/C could affect me like this, but I was wrong. It has gotten to the point where my family doesn’t like to be around me much, because of my grumpy mood. I will probably be forced to call the HVAC business again, and pay that ridiculously high HVAC repair bill.

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