In summer he loved blasting the air conditioning

Age has caused Ben and Brian’s dad’s circulation to worsen. There was a time he’d require the beach house to be colder. When the snow fell, they hardly ran out of heating. The twins walked inside the beach house in long pants and a sweatshirt. When the temperatures rose, their dad loved blasting the air conditioner. The beach house felt like the inside of a meat locker. Ben and Brian have memories of getting out of the pool and trying to run by the AC. They’d slip all over the place in a desperate attempt to get dry and warmer. The inside of the beach house during winter was no different from being outside. Now that the twins’ dad is in his 50s, he demands the air conditioner to be shut off. Their dad is focused solely on heating now. When the temperature drops, Ben and Brian can wear shorts and T-shirts. During family events like Thanksgiving or Christmas, they always sweat in the middle of winter. The twins try to sneak a window open and frequently step outside in the snow to cool down. It’s so darn warm in there now. What’s terrible is that while in the Summer it isn’t weird for their dad to turn on the furnace. Ben and Brian tried chaining the fireplace closed to deter him. However, he spent time messing with it and then got the furnace to turn on. The twins have been inside their beach house when it was 90 degrees. They felt like they were going to pass out while their dad seemed quite content. Life can be so surprising.


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