She’d walk around with long pants and a sweatshirt

As Lia’s parents turned 60, their circulation became worse.

They used to be the first to demand for the condo to be colder.

During winter they hardly ran out of heating. Lia had to walk inside their condo in long pants and a sweatshirt. In the summertime, her parents enjoyed blasting the A/C. The condo would become a frozen tundra. There was a time Lia would come in from the pool and run by the AC. She’d slip all over her parents living room tile as she hurried to get dry and warmer. The inside of the condo during the snow felt even worse. Now that her parents are older, they don’t even allow the cooling plan to run. They’re focused solely on heating now. During the wintertime, Lia now wears shorts and a tank top. When her parents have a family Thanksgiving or Christmas, she’s prepared to sweat. Lia tries to sneak a window open and frequently steps outside in the snow to cool down. It feels like being in a hot desert in the condo. What is absolutely bonkers is that during the summer time it isn’t strange for her parents to turn on the furnace. Lia tried chaining the fireplace closed to deter them. But, they spent a long time messing with it and then got the heating plan to turn on. Lia had been inside their condo when it was 90 degrees. She felt like she was going to pass out and her parents seemed quite content. It’s funny how their tune has changed.

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