It can be a struggle to be a realtor

Sometimes it can really be a struggle to be a realtor.

  • Most of the time it’s fun and rewarding, but sometimes you end up with those clients who are just really hard to please and that can make your life really miserable.

That is what happens to me once in a while. I always try to befriend most of my clients but one in a while, I end up with one who doesn’t really click with me for some reason. The past two times that this has happened, it has just so happened to be with an HVAC technician and his family. Now I’m starting to think that maybe HVAC technicians might just be hard to work with when it comes to finding a house! I know that sounds silly and maybe it is. Maybe both times, it was just a fluke of some sort. However, I know that the two guys that I worked with were super hard to please for some reason. They both wanted very specific things in their homes and it all had to do with their new HVAC systems. One wanted to make sure that the house had a specific kind of whole home air purification system in it. The other one wanted to make sure that the new house had a bedroom with radiant heated flooring and two wood burning fireplaces. I thought that this was an odd request, but I looked for a place like that. It was impossible to find somewhere around here like that in their price range, but they were unwilling to budge. The thing was that they just didn’t want to do any heating and cooling work on any home that they moved into.

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