Dad wasn’t sure how the ductless AC works

It required no ductwork and was easy to control

Dad has been working for so many years. He started working straight out of college because mom was pregnant. So, while his buddies were traveling and trying to find their way, he was getting a home ready for my older brother. It’s been almost 40 years of him working in the corporate world. All three of us have finished college and are working. Now, it’s daddy’s turn to relax and have some fun. He retired last month and has dived deep into his hobby of making model planes. It was driving my mom crazy to have all his things in the house, so dad moved them to the shed behind the house. The only issue is this shed can get so hot in summer and freezing cold in winter. My siblings and I had a talk two weeks ago about helping dad find the right HVAC system for the shed. We had thought about extending the ductwork from the house to this small space. That way, dad can use the central HVAC to keep the shed warm or cool depending on his needs. However, our main issue with that idea was the high cost of getting such complex work done by an HVAC expert. Instead, we sought out cheaper options and settled on a ductless mini-split AC. This is a unit that dad can mount on the wall of the shed and use it all year round to keep the space comfortable. It required no ductwork and was easy to control. At first, dad wasn’t sure how to use the ductless AC, but he soon got the hang of things.



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