When the truck broke down, the people I was with and I were glad for the heated blankets

On our way beach condo from my mom’s condo last week, the kids as well as I broke down on the side of the road. I swerved on the road to avoid hitting a deer, as well as I landed right in the ditch. I avoided the deer, however still caused a significant amount of destruction to the car. I did not have much battery left on my PC as well as the car would not start after the accident. I called my dad, because the people I was with and I were only fifteen minutes from my parents’ condo when the accident occurred. It was truly chilly outside as well as it was starting to snow. I could not turn on the heater, so I covered the kids with the emergency blankets the people I was with and I keep in the car. The people I was with and I sat in the car for an hour as well as then I tried turning on the car again, so the people I was with and I could use the heater. It was truly dark outside as well as the kids were starting to get scared. I was doing my best to keep them calm. I called my dad again to see why he was taking a long time. He had fallen asleep while putting on his shoes. He apologized as well as got right up. He arrived about thirty minutes later with my mom. They had a thermos of hot chocolate for the kids as well as Tim Hortons Coffee for me. My dad tried to get us out of the ditch with his truck, however the people I was with and I had to call a tow truck. Thank goodness the heating system in my parents car worked well, because the people I was with and I sat on the side of the road for another 2 hours waiting for the tow truck driver.

HVAC duct

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