I am loving the impact on my health from the Heating plus Air Conditioning machine

It’s been so far overdue.

The simple fact that I have kept putting off the state of my health is a real shame.

Even worse, I had to have something as harsh as a pandemic to get me motivated to make a serious change. But if that is what it took, then so be it. The pandemic made me understand that I am far, far from from actually being bulletproof. And that the state of my health was a pretty major liability. I was overweight. My exercise was basically nonexistent plus my diet was actually trash. That is the trifecta right there. I was the quintessential dude that came back to my residence from work, cracked a beer plus surfed the couch in Heating plus Air Conditioning comfort. The pandemic managed to change that for me. Finally, I started eating correctly plus exercising. That went a long way toward my weight getting under control. I’m still a total work in progress. But, it has been many months plus this behavior has stuck plus now feels pretty much routine. So instead of resting on my laurels, I decided to take it up another notch. The health improving target this time was the air quality of our residence. This is such a crucial component to my overall health. And with all the time I am spending in the Heating plus Air Conditioning of our residence because of this health crisis, it was basically natural to address. The first thing that had to be done was a Heating plus Air Conditioning air filter change. I needed a Heating plus Air Conditioning air filter that would easily help protect myself and others not just the Heating plus Air Conditioning machine. It cost some more money to get the HEPA style air filters. However, the change in the air was sincerely worth it. Now, I have air filters that are trapping plus removing more than 99 percent of all airborne contaminants. My immune health plus my overall health is actually applauding that move.



energy saving tips

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