HVAC tech sells me out; shoe prints

I’m particularly upset right now because I got grounded. I really didn’t want to spend my summer in doors after I’ve already been locked in here for six months. I was excited to finally go out and start seeing my friends… But then I got busted. My trouble all started when the central cooling system started breaking down last week. It’s been extremely hot and humid for the past month so it wasn’t a big surprise that our central cooling system was struggling. We were hearing the large air quality control device make a lot of unfortunate sounds from outside my window. Whenever the AC system was streaming cool air into the house, we prayed that it didn’t abruptly stop. Unfortunately, it did. That’s when my parents had to call out the local heating, cooling, and ventilation specialists for immediate emergency repair. When a heating and cooling technician arrived at our house we quickly showed him to the broken down air conditioning unit behind my window. We all went back inside to leave him to his work. A few minutes later, he came back and told us that the AC unit was up and running again… But he thought we should know that there were footprints all over the top of the large air quality control unit. That’s when my parents grounded me. Obviously, I was using the central AC system to crawl out of my window at night. I know that the heating and cooling technician was just doing his job, but he really did a number on my summer.

furnace filter

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