It’s much nicer to have variable speed

I have a very bizarre trait that most people do not relate to, and i do not entirely know how to describe it myself, I can only tell you that I am particularly sensitive to some bizarre things! Specifically, I am very bothered by loud sounds, bizarre lighting, & temperature conditions.

I am not one of those people who can just go from climate to climate without any major problems about the changing indoor air temperatures.

In fact, I have to be within a particular range of temperatures in order to be comfortable & calm, otherwise, I feel like my entire anxious system is on fire as the uncomfortable temperatures around me & the sensation of air flowing over my skin sends warning signals through my brain. It entirely is the feeling of air flow that bothers me more than the temperature change, to be honest, while most humans seem to appreciate a nice breeze from their ventilation system, I would prefer completely stagnant air in my environment; This is not to say that I want to have no indoor air temperature control system, however. That’s why I was very excited to find out about variable speed heating, cooling & ventilation systems, then apparently, all they now create boilers & air conditioners that have more than one setting; You can turn the air handling component on, with variable air flow speeds rather than having an all or nothing approach to Indoor air temperature control systems. This means, I can operate my heating & cooling system without the pesky high-power breeze sending chills up my spine. Finally, I can be comfortable.



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