Someone told me that my furnace breaking was just bad luck

Not only that, but I was exhausted both mentally and physically because of everything that was going on.

Someone told me the other day that my furnace breaking down was just bad luck. That’s because I live with a lot of superstitious people! They always say that bad luck comes in threes, but I don’t really know if I buy into all of that kind of talk or not. Well, at least usually I don’t believe in that kind of thing. This particular time, I started to think that maybe they were right about it after all, though. That week that my furnace broke down was the very same week that the plumbing in the bathroom messed up. That was a horrible mess and it was very inconvenient for all of us. Not only that, but then I ended up with not one but two flat tires on my truck. That was an expensive repair too! I couldn’t believe what was happening and all of the bad luck that I was experiencing at that point. After I finished dealing with all of the mess from the plumbing situation and got 2 new tires put on my truck, I was completely out of money for the week. Not only that, but I was exhausted both mentally and physically because of everything that was going on. I remember that we were having a really bad cold snap that week and the temperature outside was dropping rapidly. I noticed that the house felt really cold and so I went to turn the temperature up on the thermostat. That’s when I realized that the furnace wasn’t working at all! I guess bad things really do come in threes.
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