My kid kept dumping out her cereal and decreasing the temperature control

It was funny to see my kid when she was trying to eat her cereal this morning. We have a ductless mini split with several zones, including one in the bedroom. She went to adjust the temperature control settings so she would be sizzling and then got her bowl, spoon, and some cereal. She poured the cereal and filled up the bowl with milk all the way to the top just about. She took a few bites and then she dumped all her cereal in the trash and went for another box of cereal. Evidently, she was not feeling comfortable enough, so she also went to adjust the temperature control settings again on the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C unit. I didn’t say anything, until she dumped that weird cereal out and went for something else. I had to point out that she was wasting cereal and milk and she shouldn’t do that. Not to mention, she had the trash bag filled with cereal and milk which was going to be super nasty once that milk was spoiled. I decided to take that bag out to the trash immediately and told her to please dump her milk down the drain first and then dump out the cereal if she couldn’t eat it all. She ended up draining the milk this time like I said, despite the fact that she still dumped the rest of her cereal; what a waste of food. She even adjusted the temperature control settings once more before leaving the bedroom, I know back to the original settings. At least she was thoughtful about that.

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