I was looking for a few wonderful friends.

When the Heating, Ventilation, and A/C serviceman told me I needed current air duct, I immediately asked for a quote on how much was going to cost. He had to go throughout our entire beach house and locate where the air duct was. After he looked at all of the air vents, went to the basement and found the air duct that was attached to the heating system, and then the air duct that was attached to the a/c unit, he gave me the quote. I was expecting a immense bill because of the cost of current air duct, however that bill was outrageous. I asked him about the current flex pipe that they were using for air duct, and he told me that our air vents, heating system, and A/C unit was not capable of having flex pipe installed. I called a buddy of mine who used to work with Heating, Ventilation, and A/C, and I asked him to come over and look at the situation. He told me that there was no reason why I couldn’t use flex pipe, and told me that he could actually get it for me at a fairly sizable discount. What I needed to do now was to see how many friends I could get to come to our beach house and help me to remove the outdated air duct. Once the outdated air duct was removed, getting them to stick around was a matter of many cases of beer, many pizzas, and a whole passel of moderate wings. It is now up to me to just recruit all the friends that will be needed to get this work done.

furnace/heater installation

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