Storms Can Wreak Havoc with HVAC

If a hurricane is coming and you decide to evacuate, it is substantial to turn your central heating and cooling plan off

When you live in the southeast, there is a fact of life that is nearly unavoidable… YOu are genuinely going to have to deal with a hurricane at some time in your life, and i have lived through many hurricanes, and luckyly for me, none of them have been direct hits by super large storms… Even small storms, though, can wreak havoc with your life. If it is a small storm that doesn’t completely demolish your town, it is still truly likely that you will lose power for a time. That means your food will likely spoil, you will not have lights on, and worst of all, the air conditioner will not work! Some people have portable generators, lucky them, however most generators do not offer enough power to run your cooling system. You can genuinely turn on some box fans, and maybe even the ceiling fan, however usually not the cooling system, but not only that, it is highly possible that the storm will also result in your needing to maintenance your HVAC system. If a hurricane is coming and you decide to evacuate, it is substantial to turn your central heating and cooling plan off. The reason is that you might come back to a broken cooling system if you don’t! What often happens is that the power will produce power surges – a lot of power surges – before it comes back on fully. If your cooling system turns on and off many times in quick succession, it might break down, but keep this in mind and don’t forget to turn your cooling system off before you leave. It is best to use the HVAC circuit breaker rather than just the off switch on the control unit, too.


Air conditioning repair

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