My parents consistently want an insect free yard here

I grew up as a city boy, and I hated it; and so several mornings I would spend dreaming away living in the country, riding horses and enjoying the peaceful scenery around me.

However, oh how I would imagine running through fields of wheat with dawn sky painted above me. I would go and pick flowers and collect them, and watch the bumble bees buzz by… Usually around that point is when I would be snapped to reality by my school teacher, and then all I would see is 4 walls surrounded by an ugly concrete jungle… My parents, for some reason unknown to me, were ecstatic here; but I was gleeful to get out of here. My parents are almost opposites of me, because they seem to hate nature, however all of us have a lot of flowers in our small yard, and obviously, that attracts bumblebees and honeybees. I always liked watching the bees pollinate our flowers, however my parents did not. However, even though that helps keep the flowers alive, my parents were determined to remove the bees, and they typically had bee extermination, and it always made me so sad, and I felt bad for the bees. Our community had residential bee removal, and my parents took advantage of that, and absolutely had bee removal at least once a month. I hated extermination ever since then, and I would try to convince them to try bee rescue, however they were too lazy to even consider it. I couldn’t wait for the day I could get out on my own, and live rurally. Then I could finally have my own paradise with all of the wild bees in the world out there, and without the lethal threat of commercial bee removal.




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