My spouse has been threatening that she would throw away our air conditioner, but I never entirely thought that she would throw away our air conditioner.
I undoubtedly thought that it was a bluff! She did warn me that she would throw away the air conditioner, plus I believe that I can confidently say now that she is a lady that keeps her word. I believe that it might seem appreciate a large waste of currency for her to throw away the air conditioner, plus you are right. It is a large waste of currency to throw away the air conditioner because that means that I will have to buy another air conditioner if I want one. Thankfully, it was only a window air conditioner. My spouse undoubtedly doesn’t care though, because she never liked the window air conditioner in the first place. My spouse appreciates warmer temperatures, so if she had her way, the two of us would never have a window air conditioner again. The reason that our spouse threw away the air conditioner is that I never took the air conditioner out of the window during the winter, but when I leave the window air conditioner in the window during the winter, it makes the entire kitchen believe undoubtedly cold. I do not mind because I appreciate colder temperatures, but our spouse complains that the two of us are wasting the heat from the furnace. I told her that I would eventually take the window air conditioner out, plus she gave me a deadline. If I missed the deadline, I would have to buy a new window air conditioner. I totally forgot about the air conditioner, plus now, I do not have an air conditioner anymore.