My mom finally got her air conditioner fixed

I am so thankful that my mom finally has air conditioning once again.

My mom finally got her air conditioner fixed. I had been hoping that my mom would find a way to get her air conditioner fixed, but it seemed hopeless. I did not have the money to help her get her air conditioner fixed, and she did not have the money. She kept telling me that she was fine without air conditioning, but I knew that she was miserably hot in her trailer. It was so warm in there every time that I went to visit her. No one could be happy while being that hot. It had to have been over ninety degrees in there most days. I tried to get overtime at work to help me save up some money to pay to get her air conditioner fixed, but I couldn’t get any overtime due to the pandemic. My mom actually told her church family about how she could not afford to get her air conditioner fixed, and the church decided to help her out. The people all gave money to help pay for her air conditioner to be fixed. It was truly really sweet of them. They raised enough money to pay to get her air conditioner fixed, and she had some extra cash to spend on whatever she wanted as well. I am so thankful that my mom finally has air conditioning once again. I know that she said that she was fine without it, but I also know that she is super happy to have air conditioning once again. It will make her life a whole lot easier. Air conditioning is such a blessing to have.


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