The water boiler was too large for the basement.

Now they had to undo her labor and exchange water boilers

I came to realize that Heating, Ventilation and A/C specialists screw up just like the rest of us when the team brought our current water boiler to the house. She had measured and remeasured before choosing the size water boiler Ed and I needed for the house. She looked at the section where it was to be set and measured that section again. She was sure she had ordered the right water boiler for our house, however it wasn’t fitting. Ed was talking to him about what happened with the boiler, however I was biting my lips to keep from laughing out loud. I tapped Ed on the shoulder and told him what happened was they had sent a water boiler that wouldn’t fit in the basement, let alone in the boiler room. The Heating, Ventilation and A/C specialist looked at Ed and started laughing. She asked me if that meant it was the Heating, Ventilation and A/C contractor’s fault and not his? I laughed again, and said that was a nice thought, although she wouldn’t know until she contacted the Heating, Ventilation and A/C contractor. She shook her head and pulled out her labor cellphone. A few minutes later, she pointed to me and then her nose. I had hit the nail on the head. They had sent the wrong water boiler to us, and someone else had gained our compact boiler, and unfortunately, the Heating, Ventilation and A/C specialist at the next property had already begun the upgrade process when she sussed it out. Now they had to undo her labor and exchange water boilers. If only the Heating, Ventilation and A/C specialists had looked at the serial numbers on the water boiler and compared it to their labor order, they both would have known it was incorrect. I’m blissful our Heating, Ventilation and A/C specialist realized the error.

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