The fair this year happened to be full of modular rooms

Having never been to a state fair in the past, I didn’t know what to expect to be perfectly honest.

I knew there would be baking contests, animals being judged, as well as potentially rides for adults as well as kids.

I was told there would be people hawking their wares, however I didn’t necessarily expect there to be more modular rooms than the eye could see. Each and every place I looked there was someone with an original food being cooked in a modular room. I was able to notice foods that ranged from deep fried hard candy to deep fried candy bars. There were more types of sandwiches as well as baked goods than I had ever seen before in all my years, as well as these items were being cooked in modular rooms. My child was looking at the cheesesteaks while I wanted a Gyro, so my pal and I compromised as well as purchased one of each as well as shared… By the end of the day, my pal and I swore we didn’t want to eat another meal for a month, but my pal and I came back the very next day to find things my pal and I hadn’t seen the first time around. State fairs are something like our country fairs, as well as my pal and I had a pretty nice time. I was ecstatic my pal and I took this trip to the state fair. It was our last mother/daughter trip before she was about to get married. She told me the only thing she had to agonize about was fitting into her ceremony dress. My pal and I ate so much that my pal and I both acquired five pounds or so. When all those delicious odors were coming from the modular rooms, how could my pal and I resist? It will be a long while before my pal and I have that kind of indulgence again. Perhaps I should say it will be a year before that kind of indulgence, because the fair is only here one time per year.

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