Changing plans – and thermostats

Well, this week’s plans changed drastically, and I am going with the flow on it.

I was going to meet up with a date, but she told me she is too hungover from last night, so now I am going with plan B, which is singing with my band on a farm just outside of town.

It will be a fun time there at the farm and then maybe I can make it back to meet my drunk date for a cup of coffee at the cafe. I have to bring my laptop to the farm for heating and cooling device writing work, along with my heating and cooling tools to labor on the ductwork on the farm to help everyone there not freeze. There are several people living on the farm, and I want to help them stay warm in the winter. They have some small space furnaces, but not enough to keep all the people warm, and the smart thermostat that runs the whole system is on the fritz too. My pal and I are going to get some singing practice in and my associate and I have an entirely great singing coach there on the farm to help us! My central oil furnace is running right now because it is almost below freezing outside, and my home was freezing that day, with the oil furnace off all night. It is funny how my whole afternoon just changed at the last hour, and now I am going to be doing something totally peculiar than was planned. Just go with the flow!

a/c care program

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