Daylight Savings was Last Night so There Goes our Volleyball Evenings

I am trying to decide if I want to have a roommate or not as I am making just enough money to live on our own, however having someone help split the cost of this flat would help me a lot each month.

That’s it. Every one of us are now officially done with the volleyball season as the sunshine now goes down too early to play while we were in the week. Most people work till around 5pm and now the sunshine is setting at 5:45pm so that leaves us with no time to play after work and it limits us to weekends only playing. I genuinely am done toiling each day by around 3:30pm so I could play, despite the fact that I would be the only 1 on the beach as most of our friends aren’t done with work till later. My cooling corp, which is now going to be switching over to a heating corp for the winter, is not open today as it is Tuesday. It isn’t genuinely our corp despite the fact that I work there while we were in the week doing inventory and answering customer’s questions about several topics in the Heating, Ventilation and A/C world. I will just work online today with our Heating, Ventilation and A/C component writing work and clean our flat later. I am trying to decide if I want to have a roommate or not as I am making just enough money to live on our own, however having someone help split the cost of this flat would help me a lot each month. It’s just that our building owner, who is also an Heating, Ventilation and A/C tech, doesn’t want me renting our flat with anyone else. But that isn’t un-biased as the rents and utilities have gone way up over the past year and everyone are struggling to stay in their flats, even with having other flatmates. I think I should be fine.


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