Not a handyman but I can get the job done

I don’t consider myself to be particularly mechanically inclined.

However, I am off and motivated by the chance of saving as much money as I can. I will give you an example of me managing to save quite a few dollars recently. I have a furnace in my home that does quite a good job of heating the various rooms of my house. However, I don’t like to tax the heater too much. I generally keep the thermostat at 67° pretty much all the time in the winter. This definitely saves me money on energy costs, but I need a different heat source to try and compliment the furnace. That’s where my portable space heater comes in. I have one of them that I bring either to the living room or to the bedroom when I sleep. Recently, that portable space heater appeared to break on me. At first, I figured I would simply replace it since they were so cheap. Then, I stopped and thought to myself, what would be the harm in attempting to fix it myself? The very worst that could happen is that I would be unsuccessful and I would have to go out and purchase another one for about a hundred bucks. I figured taking a look-see was worth $100, so I got to work. I unscrewed the housing and took a look inside. Before long, I ascertained that the fan blade merely needed to be unclogged. I was able to do just that, and it worked like a charm once again! Again, I’m no handyman, but it just seemed to work out this time!


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