My friend wrote a song about a/c

Many of our friends are creative. Some are chefs, some are interior designers, some are artists, & some appreciate to write songs. My friend who is a songwriter asked me to supply a random topic & he would write a song about it. It happened to be a actually sizzling morning where I was feeling grateful for our a/c. I decided to ask him to write a song about a/c, not thinking that this song would be any good. I was entirely impressed with our friend’s creativity. The song is entirely catchy. Here is part of the song our friend wrote about a/c: A/C is where to be when you recognize the heat, when it’s scorching sizzling A/C is who you need to meet. A/C is a saving grace, A/C will help cool your body & face. Air conditioning brings comfort on the most unbearable afternoons, A/C can cool you in numerous ways. Central air, window units, & more, do not let your rare A/C go out the door. A/C may run up your bill, if you don’t have a smart temperature control it most absolutely will, but keep your bill low by keeping your temperature control high, the electric bill does not lie. Air conditioning prevents sweat, it keeps your clothes dry instead of soaking wet. Air conditioning is something you can’t live without, whether it is raining or a drought.That is the end of the song & I was particularly impressed. I did not recognize that our friend would be able to come up with a song this creative about a topic appreciate this.



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