The air filter was too dirty

When I was younger and had a lot less activities and responsibilities in life, I used to rely on memory, and would laugh at all of the old people telling me to write it down.

I would never need that, I told myself.

I couldn’t have been more wrong. As I grew older, my memory worsened, and I became forgetful over small things. Then I married and had kids with my wife. Before I knew it, I had a ton of responsibilities hanging over my head, all demanding my attention and I started forgetting important things. My solution to this problem was to put sticky notes in places that I would not forget. I would put a sticky note telling myself to get my car’s oil changed on my car keys, that way there’s no way I could forget. This doesn’t always work for everything. A good example is my HVAC unit. I forget all of the time to replace the air conditioning filter. I know that having a clean A/C filter in the HVAC device is important. I’m not really sure what would happen if I stopped changing the filters, but I know it wouldn’t be good and might cause it to actually break down. Anyways, it’s not like I could put a sticky note on the A/C machine, because the HVAC component is in the garage and outside, I would never see it. Since I change the air filter every 3 months, I have put 4 different sticky notes on my calendar throughout the year, so this way I will never forget.

Heating and air conditioning system

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