I finally got my smart thermostat hooked up to my cell phone

I am a slow convert to new technology.

It took me a number of years to get an MP3 player, and by then most people were getting their first smartphones.

The same happened with tablets, and now it seems like I am always behind the times. Even though I’m not very old, I was raised in a poor family with a lot of siblings and we never had anything that was brand new or current. For instance, we had a super nintendo in the late 1990s when all of our friends had the new nintendo 64 system. Our TV sets were decades old and we were still using VCRs and tapes in the early aughts when many had already long transitioned over to DVDs. Although I got a cell phone around 2004, I didn’t purchase a smart phone for another 10 years, after they had already been out for six years. Now that I have been using one for the better part of a decade, I have slowly incorporated more apps into my daily routine. In the morning I am awakened by my alarm app, and then I am greeted to my daily planner and agenda. This is essential for my work commitments and responsibilities. I also have a meal planner app and one for my daily workout regimen. The most useful app right now is the one that controls the smart thermostat hooked up to my central HVAC system. I have had it installed for over a year now, but I kept dragging my feet with installing the app on my phone. Now that I have it, I love the remote control I have over the HVAC system whether I’m at home, at work, or on vacation. I know what the temperature is in my house at any minute, which tells me if there are any HVAC malfunctions before I come home to a hot or cold house and a broken air conditioner or furnace.


temperature control

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