The party destroyed the air conditioner

I spent months planning the perfect party with my friends. We were all going to celebrate my birthday and had planned this grand party to celebrate. It was going to be big, I was inviting all my friends and they were inviting all of theirs. The place would be pacted. I live in an apartment and I knew it would be loud and noisy. The neighbors would probably complain but I didn’t care. I was going to party all night. The tables were laid out, filled with food of every kind by 6:00 PM, all my friends had started to arrive. The music was blaring and everyone was drinking and dancing and just having a good time. I’ll admit, I ended up drinking a little too much and woke up on the floor the following morning. The place was trashed and my fridge raided. As my eyes cleared and I looked around I noticed how hot it felt inside. I saw no air was coming out of my air vents. It didn’t take me long to notice the cause of the problem. Apparently my friends in their drunken state had hurled bottles into my air conditioning unit. The bottles inevitably broke and now shattered glass was everywhere. I did my best to clean up the mess before calling the apartment maintenance. They got a heating and cooling specialist out form one of the nearby HVAC companies. My A/C unit could be saved but not without some new parts. It was a few weeks of repairs and air conditioning service before I got to feel the nice cool air from my air conditioner.


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