They just don’t appreciate climate control like I do

Kids today complain about everything, yet they don’t know what real hardship is like.

I know I sound like a grumpy old man, but for good cause! I am entering my 50s, and I admit that my perspectives on life are changing more than ever before.

I was talking to my grandson the other day, who was throwing a fit because he couldn’t access wifi at the park. I asked him why he even needed wifi in such a beautiful slice of nature, and he looked at me like I was an idiot. When I was his age, I had to chop wood for 2 hours a day to feed the furnace. We had no HVAC system, just an old wrought iron furnace, and without enough firewood to make it through the night we would freeze. I had to struggle just to feed the furnace, and this little jerk is crying because he can’t check his Facebook account for ten minutes. I did not have regular access to an air conditioner until I left home and moved to town for a few months. This was when I was taking night classes, and the dorms I stayed in were all air conditioned and it felt utterly amazing. I had a real appreciation for climate control because I was not used to it. Kids today take it for granted, and assume that no matter where they go they can set the thermostat to whatever they prefer. I’d like to see them chop wood for a furnace just once, just so they could see what it was like.



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