A truly fantastic hotel stay

When I got up to our really high class hotel room the a/c was even fantastic in here, and it was personalized! They had a smart thermostat in there that controlled the heat and a/c for the single room only

After experiencing such a proper nap on an airport shuttle on the way to a hotel I was going to be staying at on my trip I was feeling refreshed thanks to the fantastic a/c they had in the airport shuttle. Then when I arrived to the hotel resort and walked in the more than 2 star lobby there was even more fantastic a/c! I could hardly believe it! It was like a whole trip that I was on would be totally relaxed and upper class all the way. I had never been in a hotel lobby on a humid Summer afternoon like this before that had such perfect a/c. Also the hotel itself was super chill. I felt like some rich guy walking in there. My supplier I work for was paying for it. I would have never afforded a locale like this on our own. When I got up to our really high class hotel room the a/c was even fantastic in here, and it was personalized! They had a smart thermostat in there that controlled the heat and a/c for the single room only. It was like some kind of commercial heating and a/c zone control or something. I felt like royalty! Great more than 2 star hotel, fantastic indoor comfort and not to mention the tasty eating establishment they had in this hotel. The food was fabulous! All this plus the highest quality commercial a/c almost made this supplier trip know like a trip! If I ever become rich, I will stay here on our own for just that reason.

Energy saving help

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