Just don’t get the air conditioning situation sometimes

It seems to me that if I was running a business, the customer’s comfort would be of primary concern.

Yet, that’s not exactly what I see in some places.

Of course, there are certain businesses that struggle to deal with good HVAC due to the nature of their business. I’m thinking of businesses that have outside areas. However, when it comes to somewhere like a restaurant, I’m just not sure at all what they’re thinking when it comes to subpar HVAC. While the pandemic was raging in 2020, I did not set foot inside a restaurant and I really missed dining out. This is something that I have always loved to do. And it’s more that just getting something to eat for me. I really like the entire experience of dining. But that also includes optimal quality heating and cooling. That’s sort of an essential component to enjoying a night out. So when I was able to get vaccinated, I decided I’d give eating out a try on a recent business trip. I was stunned when I walked in the place. It was freezing cold near the front of the restaurant as this is winter. The HVAC heating was just not getting there at all. However, where I was seated was nearer the kitchen and I was sweltering. It was insane. I couldn’t ask to be moved as, due to the heating and cooling situation, there was no place comfortable in that dining room. The food was good but I ended up just having it all wrapped up and I took it back to eat in the HVAC comfort of the hotel I was staying in.


Hot water boiler

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