Specified comfort with zone controlled HVAC

All in all, I have to really give my family a big thumbs up when it comes to how we weathered the worst of the pandemic.

Nearly two years in, the pandemic is still raging but we are in a much better position.

The fact is that we are all vaccinated so there is a measure of assurance that the worst of this won’t hit us. That said, we still spend a lot of time together in the air conditioning of our home. But recently, the HVAC company came out to add a bit of special goodness when it comes to the heating and cooling comfort in our home. The fact that my family was able to find a level of patience and understanding with each other during the pandemic speaks volumes. Outside of catching the virus myself, I was afraid that our household would degenerate into a mass of anger and hurt feelings. I just wasn’t so sure that we would be able to really get along with each other as we sheltered in the HVAC safety of our house. But I was wrong. We all stepped up a level and it might have even made us a more tightly knit group. But one thing I did notice was just how different and specific our individual heating and cooling needs were. So that’s why I had the HVAC company come in and tweak our existing HVAC unit to provide zone controlled HVAC to our house. And man, it’s been a hit with everyone. There is now a section of the house where everyone can get the exact thermostat setting that is comfortable for their specific needs.


Specified comfort with zone controlled HVAC

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