New HVAC and a renter help make ends meet

And wow, that ductless heat pump delivered some seriously high quality heating and air

The pandemic certainly forced my wife and I to reexamine our finances. It’s just us and the dogs so when we bought this house, we felt that it was a bit of a reach due to the size. But, this house just fit us on every level and we were just not going to let it get away. Still, after updating the HVAC equipment and upgrading the kitchen, we were stretched a bit thin. I work as an IT consultant from home. My wife is an artist and worked part time making great money at a really nice restaurant. When the pandemic hit, one of the first casualties was my wife’s job. This was a hit to our finances. But she was able to find some online gig work that helped a bit. Still, we knew we had to do more in order to make ends meet. And that’s when we decided to turn part of our home into a nice studio apartment. Like I said, our house is pretty big and there was a large area that had once been what we think was a workshop. It had plumbing and initially, we thought this would be my wife’s studio. But the light wasn’t right and we went with another room. So we added a bit of a kitchen, painted and added a door. Finally, we had the HVAC company come in and install a ductless heat pump. This was the finishing touch. And wow, that ductless heat pump delivered some seriously high quality heating and air. Now, we have a wonderful renter and a whole lot more breathing room when it comes to paying the bills.

air vent

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