Change up the air filter for cleaner, healthier indoor air

There is just so much out there that I simply don’t understand.

My dad used to tell me that it’s important to try to learn something every single day.

I found this to be a wise suggestion and have always followed it. There’s just so much to learn. And then, there are all the things that you thought you knew but didn’t really get the whole story. That is the case with my HVAC and the indoor air quality of my home. I honestly thought that just running the HVAC equipment helped with filtering the air in a home. And I thought that pollution was an outside problem. Little did I know that the HVAC can have a dramatic impact on just how well we feel. But the cheap air filters I have used forever are not the way to go about that. Those air filters are for the health and well being of the HVAC equipment not my respiratory system. This was a bit of a shock to me. So was the fact that poor indoor air quality made the EPA’s top five list for environmental hazards. Talk about learning something every day! This motivated me to replace the old air filters with a HEPA filter. HEPA filters are more expensive but well worth the price. This is due to the fact that they are able to filter out over 99 percent of airborne contaminants. That’s a big time difference. The change in our indoor air and respiratory health is quite noticeable. I’m so glad that I learned just how important indoor air quality actually is.

air conditioner installation

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